
The License Menu tab provides insight into various license information, such as number and expiration date. The license transmitted by the manufacturer can be inserted via the button "Import License”. Every license is a perpetual floating license. Therefore it is possible to install as much clients and create as much users as desired. Each logged in user is counted. Once the license limit is reached, no other user is able to log in.

License tab in FX

Show Hardware-ID:

If Helmut4 is installed on a piece of hardware and not on a VM, it is possible to generate a hardware ID using this button. This is required to create the license.

Import icense:

Opens the import license dialog via which the license can be imported. The license must be imported in the form of the complete text of the license file. To do this, copy the text from the license file into the free-text field of the dialog. By clicking on "Cancel" the dialog can be ended and via "Save" the license is imported.

Last updated