Add Cron Job

Opens the โ€œAdd new cronjobโ€ dialog to define the following parameters:


Free text field for specifying the desired name for the new cron job to be created.


Drop-down menu to select the desired type. It is possible to choose between Task, Active Directory and Watchfolder.


Drop-down menu to select the desired Task or the desired AD. The name of the field changes depending on the previously selected type.


Drop-down menu for selecting one of the predefined templates. When one of the templates is selected, the time and date are automatically filled in.


Defines the time at which the selected task should be executed. If only one time is selected, the task will be executed at that time every day. If a time is combined with a date, the selected time only applies to the selected days / months.


Defines a date on which the selected task should be executed. If only one date is selected, the task will run at 00:00 on that day. If a date is combined with a time, the selected date will be executed at the selected time.

Close/Save Button:

Closes the dialog or saves the defined parameters.

Last updated