Upload Assets

Opens a dialog for uploading assets into the project. Assets can only be uploaded when a profile is selected. Since a profile always contains a stream, a HIO job is created in the dashboard for each uploaded asset, which is processed via a render node. Each asset is first uploaded to a temporary folder that can be configured via the Preference menu.

Upload Assets

Asset List:

Displays the selected asset to be uploaded.

Remove Icon:

Can be used to remove one or all asset(s) from the list of assets to be uploaded.

Attached Metadata:

Displays all metadata records based on the selected profile. The definition takes place via the profile, which is created in HIO.

Cancel/ Upload Button:

โ€œCancelโ€ or โ€œXโ€ closes the dialog and โ€œUpload Assetโ€ starts the process.

Add Files Button:

Opens a selection dialog via which one or more files can be selected. Video and audio files are supported underneath.

Add Folder Button:

Opens a selection dialog via which a folder can be selected. All contents of the folder are added to the list of assets to be uploaded.

An https link to a video can be entered here and added to the list using the + button. This link can be processed within the stream that was added to the selected profile.

Choose Profile:

Dropdown to choose a profile for the upload job. A profile has to be created in advance. For more information see: Profiles

Last updated