Telegram Output
The Telegram Output Action allows you to send notifications to a Telegram group. Before utilizing this node, it is essential to collect some required information in advance, such as an API key.
API Token
Instructions to set up your Telegram bot. No coding is required, and you can complete the process directly on your device:
Step 1
Locate the Telegram bot named "@botfather." This bot will assist you in creating and managing your own bot.
Step 2
Create a new bot by typing "/newbot" or clicking on the corresponding option. Follow the instructions provided by @botfather to generate a new name for your bot. If your bot is purely for experimentation, you can add a unique touch by including your name before it in its username, as the bot's name must be unique. The screen name can be anything of your choice.
Step 3
Congratulations! You have successfully created your Telegram bot. A new API token will be generated for your bot.
In the example above, the token is 270485614:AAHfiqksKZ8WmR2zSjiQ7_v4TMAKdiHm9T0.
Copy your API token and paste it into the designated node.
Tutorial source:
Step 1
Locate the Telegram bot named "@RawDataBot" or "Telegram Bot Raw"; it will assist you in obtaining the ID of your group.
Step 2
Create a new group and give it a name of your choice.
Step 3
Add the bot @RawDataBot to this group. Once the bot is inside, it will respond with a message containing various metadata, one of which is the chat group ID.
The complete ID, prefixed with a hyphen "-655476556," is the recipient ID that can be copied into the node. After the bot reveals the ID, it can be removed from the group.
Store and use API-Token / Recipient-ID
To facilitate easier management of the API-Token and recipient-ID, these can be stored in variable storage. This enables seamless modification or variation of the group, such as incorporating the group name into the combination.