
The Templates menu is used to manage categories and templates. It is divided into a sidebar menu, a list view, and a hidden overlay. Categories and templates are not written to the database but represent an image of the categories and templates on the working drives, which can be defined under the menu item Preferences. This allows management on the drives or via the web interface and ensures that all templates and categories can be changed without database access. A category is another order level for groups and can be freely defined. A template is a Premiere Pro, After Effects, or Audition project that maps to and is logically related to a category. Templates are used to create new projects. This makes it possible to predefine projects in a variety of forms. If several project types are to be created simultaneously via the "Add Project" dialog, these templates must have the same name. This does not apply to the same project type.

It is possible to display all categories in the system or filter by created groups in the sidebar menu.

Groups for Categories in Sidebar Menu

By selecting all groups or a particular one you get a list view of all corresponding categories with the following functionalities:

List View of Categories

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