Helmut4 Client

The purpose of this guide is to assist you in upgrading the Helmut4 client to a newer version.

Updating the client is generally straightforward. On Windows, an uninstaller is available, which removes the client and the Helmut4-related extensions.

Running the new client installer defaults to updating the client and the Adobe-Helmut4 extensions.

It is important to note that when updating Helmut4 and Adobe simultaneously, Adobe applications should be updated first; otherwise, the extensions will not be available.

For further information, please consult the supported Adobe versions or Helmut4 client tech specs.

Update procedure: client - server

Please update the Helmut4 client on every workstation in advance.

Note: Updating the Helmut4 server first may lead to compatibility issues, as the client might lack certain dependencies introduced as part of new features or changes.

Helmut4: Server vs client version

Every stable/snapshot release has a dedicated client. The specific client version for the server can be found on the admin webpage or via API. For more details, please refer to the following link: Request Helmut4 client via URL

Last updated