Helmut4 Client

The purpose of this guide is to assist you in upgrading the Helmut4 client to a newer version.

Updating the client is generally straightforward. On Windows, an uninstaller is available, which removes the client and the Helmut4-related extensions.

We recommend running the uninstaller (Windows) and manually deleting the client (macOS) in the first place, before installing the new one.

Running the new client installer defaults to updating the client and the Adobe-Helmut4 extensions.

It is important to note that when updating Helmut4 and Adobe simultaneously, Adobe applications should be updated first; otherwise, the extensions will not be available.

For further information, please consult the supported Adobe versions or Helmut4 client tech specs.

Update procedure till version 4.7 and earlier

Consider to update the Helmut4 client on every workstation in advance.

Note: Updating the Helmut4 server first may lead to compatibility issues, as the client might lack certain dependencies introduced as part of new features or changes.

Update procedure from version 4.7 and earlier to version 4.8 and newer

As a result of the underlaying java framework update, pre-populating the client in advance is not feasible, as the client version 4.8 and newer is incompatible with earlier versions. This also applies vice versa: a client version 4.7 and earlier cannot be utilized with a server version 4.8 and newer.

Autologin file

Due to a change in the length of security keys, it is necessary for ALL autologin files to be replaced with newly created ones.

These new files need to be generated after the server has been updated to the desired version, such as version 4.8.0.

Helmut4: Server vs client version

Every stable/snapshot release has a dedicated client. The specific client version for the server can be found on the admin webpage or via API/URL.

For more details, please refer to the following link: Request Helmut4 client via URL.

If you'd like to obtain it ahead of time, please don't hesitate to submit a ticket.

Optional update script for central client distribution

When updating the server, it is essential to also update the client application. The dedicated client includes release-related changes as well as panel extensions used within Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects.

We strongly recommend performing a clean uninstall of the client for both Windows and Mac.

Below are two (optional) scripts that might assist you with this procedure when deploying the client with a software deployment system:

Windows Script

This batch script will silently uninstall and then reinstall the Helmut4 client.

@echo off
:: Uninstall + Install Helmut Client vias silent mode

:: MoovIT - B. Dimmel
:: Version 3.5
:: Date: Apr 4th 2023

:: Changelog: Jun 26th 2024
:: Added logic for Helmut 4.8.0+
:: Changed robocopy for Helmut4.lnk
:: Added Helmut4 client restart

:: Set local folder path to Helmut4 installer
set "helmutpath=C:\temp\helmut"
set "clientversion=4.8.0"

:: Terminate Helmut process Helmut 4.7.0 and before
taskkill /F /IM "javaw.exe" >nul 2>&1

timeout /t 2

:: Terminate Helmut process Helmut 4.5.0 and above
taskkill /F /IM /T "Helmut4.exe" >nul 2>&1

echo Helmut process terminated.

:: Start Uninstaller
if exist "C:\Program Files\MoovIT GmbH\Helmut4" (
    cd /d "C:\Program Files\MoovIT GmbH\Helmut4"
    echo Uninstalling Helmut4...
    start /wait "" "Uninstall Helmut4.exe" /S
    echo Helmut4 uninstalled.

    :: Wait for uninstallation to complete
    timeout /t 10 /nobreak >nul
) else (
    echo Helmut4 is not installed. Skipping uninstallation.

:: Delete Adobe extensions and temporary files
echo Deleting Adobe extensions and temporary files...
Rmdir /S /Q "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\de.moovit.AME_WS" 2>nul
Rmdir /S /Q "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\de.moovit.HELMUT" 2>nul
Rmdir /S /Q "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\de.moovit.HELMUT_ADOBE_INVISIBLE_PANEL" 2>nul
Rmdir /S /Q "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\de.moovit.HELMUT_ADOBE_WINDOW_EXTENSION" 2>nul
Rmdir /S /Q "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\de.moovit.PREMIERE_WS" 2>nul

for /D %%D in (C:\Users\*) do (
    :: Delete old .jar stream engine from any user AppData/Temp folder
    del "%%D\AppData\Local\Temp\stream-engine-4*.jar" /F /Q 2>nul

    :: Delete all moovit-related panel cache folders
    forfiles /P "%%D\AppData\Local\Temp\cep_cache" /M *_de.moovit.* /C "cmd /c if @isdir==TRUE rmdir /s /q @file" 2>nul

echo Adobe extensions and temporary files deleted.

:: Install Helmut Client
echo Installing Helmut Client...
cd /d "%helmutpath%"
set "installer=Helmut_Client_Setup_%clientversion%.exe"
start /wait "" "%installer%" /S

:: Copy the public Helmut client shortcut into the global Windows autostart folder
robocopy "C:\Users\Public\Desktop" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp" Helmut4.lnk /is

:: Delete public desktop Helmut shortcut
del /f "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Helmut4.lnk" >nul 2>&1

echo Helmut Client has been installed.

:: Wait for installation to complete
timeout /t 10 /nobreak >nul

:: Retsart the Helmut4 client
start /B "" "C:\Program Files\MoovIT GmbH\Helmut4\Helmut4.exe"

exit /b

macOS Script

This shell script is designed to uninstall the Helmut4 application along with its dedicated extensions, followed by the installation of the Helmut4 client.


# Uninstall + Install Helmut Client on macOS

# MoovIT
# Version 1.3
# Date: Apr 4th 2023

# Changelog: Mar 15th 2024
# Minor refactoring
# Verify existence of pkg installer

# Define variables for installer path and client version

# Check if the installer package file exists
if [ ! -f "$installpath" ]; then
    echo "Error: Installer package file '$installpath' not found. Aborting."
    exit 1

# Terminate running Helmut4 instance
pkill "Helmut4"
echo "Helmut process terminated"

# Delete users' moovIT panel cache
rm -rf "/Users/*/Library/Caches/CSXS/cep_cache/PPRO_*_de.moovit.HELMUT_ADOBE_INVISIBLE_PANEL"
rm -rf "/Users/*/Library/Caches/CSXS/cep_cache/PPRO_*_de.moovit.HELMUT"
rm -rf "/Users/*/Library/Caches/CSXS/cep_cache/AME_*_de.moovit.AME_WS"
# Old extension
rm -rf "/Users/*/Library/Caches/CSXS/cep_cache/PPRO_*_de.moovit.PREMIERE_WS"

# Delete all moovIT panel extensions (safeline version)
rm -rf "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/de.moovit.AME_WS"
rm -rf "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/de.moovit.HELMUT"
rm -rf "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/de.moovit.HELMUT_ADOBE_INVISIBLE_PANEL"
# Old extensions
rm -rf "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/de.moovit.PREMIERE_WS"

# Delete old Helmut4 application
rm -rf "/Applications/Helmut4.app"

# Install Helmut4
installer -pkg "$installpath" -target /Applications/

echo "Update finished"

# Display dialog message
osascript -e 'display dialog "Helmut4 client installed!" with title "MoovIT-Helmut4"'

Last updated