The helmut4 client requires two ports, to spin up, which are "8880" and "8881".
These ports are used for internal communication (localhost).
If another application is using this port during startup, the client won't be able to start and establish a connection. This state will be shown in the client log.
It is possible to determine, if there is an application using the port.
If there is an application running on that specific port, this will be the result.
You will see the process listed twice, once for IPv4 and once for IPv6. Both are using the same PIC (process ID), which will make this easy to recognice.
Alternatively you can run this powershell command as well, this will return only IPv4 results.
The ID in the powershell return is referring to the process in the task manager with the same PID.
On a mac, the method is similar but more easier to find the application name
If there is an application running on that specific port, this will be the result (IPv4/IPv6)