Edit Dialog
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On the left side you find the Edit Panel (if toggled on). You can use P to show/hide the dialog. Once you have selected a node by clicking on it, you can edit its content.
On the top, you find the name of the node together with a small description. This description can be changed by using the Description Field.
The description field can be used to add your own comments. The first 25 characters will be shown in the the node’s header on the stage.
Every stream has a UUID (Unique ID). The UUID of a Stream can be copied to the clipboard by clicking on this icon. The UUID can be used in any node that follows after the node the ID was copied from. It is possible to use the wildcard {node.result.?} and replace the ? with the UUID. This wildcard will be replaced with the output of the node with the given ID. As soon as the {node.result.?} wildcard is used and the UUID from a specific node is added, it is possible to click on the highlighted wildcard to get redirected to the Node where the UUID is coming from. It is not possible to delete a node whose UUID is used in another node.
The icon next to the input field opens the placeholder palette. It has a type ahead function and the selected placeholder is placed at the cursor position in the edit field. If the selected wildcard contains a “?" (place holder for, for example, a path or another wildcard), this is automatically highlighted to speed up further processing.
This icon opens the Stream Designer File Chooser. It is possible to browse the volumes mounted under the Helmut4 host system and select individual files. This is particularly helpful when it comes to config files such as .epr's for the media encoder. By clicking on the name of a folder it is possible to browse through the folder structure. Each selected folder is added to the breadrumb. By clicking on a folder name in the breadcrumb navigation it is possible to jump back. A click on the Select button selects the path of the corresponding file and transfers it to the edit field of the node.