Table View

In the following the columns of the table view in Streams will be explained. This is how the table looks like:


The column Modified displays the date of the last modification of all streams in the format DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss. A modification of a stream can be any change of the stream configuration in the streamdesigner or a renaming.

The reference for the date is the server time.


The column Created displays the date of the creation of all streams in the format DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss.

Enable Switch:

The Enabled switch allows to enable or disable a stream. In case the switch is set to "disabled" the corresponding stream is not supposed to be triggered and operated. By default all added streams are enabled.

Stream Action Menu:

Allows the stream to be edited, renamed and deleted. This can be done at any time. Changes to the stream only take effect when it is saved. If a stream is deleted, it is no longer available.

Group Filter for CUSTOM_FX:

CUSTOMFX streams can be assigned to individual groups. This makes it possible to define which CUSTOM_FX streams will appear in FX Projects Action Menu for a particular group and should be accordingly executable. The hidden overlay can be opened by clicking on a blank area of the corresponding stream, where all created groups will be selectable.

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