Active Directory Auto Module
The Active Directory Module allows to connect to an Active Directory and to synchronize groups including subgroups with existing groups Helmut. Each group needs to be connected.
Enable Switch:
Enables/disables the module.
ActiveDirectory Host:
Hosts must be added here, separated by a comma.
ActiveDirectory Security:
Dropdown to select the type of security: PLAIN, SSL, TLS
ActiveDirectory Domain:
The domain must be added here if the active directory toggle switch is enabled.
ActiveDirectory Password
The active directory password must be added here if the active directory toggle switch is enabled.
ActiveDirectory Username
The active directory username must be added here if the active directory toggle switch is enabled.
ActiveDirectory Groups:
Displays the group within the Active Directory that will be synchronized with the selected groups in HelmutFX.
Helmut Groups:
Dropdown to select one or multiple groups the synchronized users should be member of.
Helmut Products:
Dropdown to select the products to which the synchronized users should be granted access rights.
Hemut Access Preset:
Dropdown to select the access preset that the user should receive.
Test Button:
The test button can be used to check whether and how many users are found.
Browse Button:
The Active Directory can be searched via the Browse button and the group to be synchronized can be selected.
Single Sign On Switch:
Enables Single Sign On for the Active Directory.
Synchronize Button:
Synchronizes the group.
Remove Group Button:
Removes the link between the AD group and the Helmut group
Add Group Button:
Adds another set of parameters to link another AD group with another Helmut group.
Last updated