Cosmo Sequence Report Action

The node Cosmo Sequence Report Action will export a JSON report with all assets used in the sequence if the corresponding project has been indexed with the ’advanced’ option first. One have to provide the sequence ID, the destination file and a certain potential conflict rule (appended, incremented or deleted). The outcome e.g. by writing the node result it into a log file will look like the following example:

  "sequenceName": "TestSeq",
  "assetId": "6315ed32d6347d0001a30ced",
  "projectName": "Test project",
  "numberOfAssetsUsed": 2,
  "filePath": "/Volumes/Helmut/Projects/Premiere Pro/Test project.prproj:::/TestSeq",
  "reportItems": [
      "assetName": "Asset.mp4",
      "assetId": "6315d6f5d6347d0001a30ce7",
      "filePath": "/Users/editor/files/test-beep.mp4",
      "sequenceReferenceList": [
          "sequenceUUID": "58b1794b-1e75-42be-9d75-58df62d083e8",
          "sequenceName": "TestSeq",
          "mediaReferences": [
              "mediaInOutPoint": {
                "secondsInPoint": 0.0,
                "timeCodeInPoint": "00:00:00:00:25.0/1",
                "secondsOutPoint": 16.4164,
                "timeCodeOutPoint": "00:00:16:10:25.0/1",
                "fps": 25.0
              "sequenceInOutPoint": {
                "secondsInPoint": 0.0,
                "timeCodeInPoint": "00:00:00:00:29.97002997002997/1",
                "secondsOutPoint": 16.4164,
                "timeCodeOutPoint": "00:00:16:12:29.97002997002997/1",
                "fps": 29.97002997002997
              "trackNumber": 1,
              "trackType": "VIDEO"
              "mediaInOutPoint": {
                "secondsInPoint": 0.0,
                "timeCodeInPoint": "00:00:00:00:44100/1",
                "secondsOutPoint": 16.583233333333332,
                "timeCodeOutPoint": "00:00:16:25720:44100/1",
                "fps": 44100.0
              "sequenceInOutPoint": {
                "secondsInPoint": 0.0,
                "timeCodeInPoint": "00:00:00:00:48000/1",
                "secondsOutPoint": 16.583233333333332,
                "timeCodeOutPoint": "00:00:16:27995:48000/1",
                "fps": 48000.0
              "trackNumber": 1,
              "trackType": "AUDIO"

Beside several general technical information as „sequenceName“, „assetId“ and „projectName“ the detailed JSON report delivers extended information about the „mediaReferences“ including the time stamps of the In and Out point of the clip and the sequence as well as the frame (Video asset) and sample rate (Audio asset). Additionally the „trackNumber“ will be part of the sequence report.

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