Known Adobe Issues

The following list comprises known issues that Adobe has not yet addressed. While these issues are not directly linked to Helmut4, it might be affected by them.

Premiere Pro

  • NextID: Starting from version 23.6.x up to 24.1.x, there are known issues related to NextIDs. When you remove an asset from the project and add new ones, a previously removed asset with its unique NodeID might be reused. This can cause problems when working with Cosmo-related nodes, like adding a proxy to a high-resolution file.

    Another issue linked to the missing NextID flag is that it might cause a hiccup within Cosmo. Bins or sequences may appear twice due to the same bug, and there is no workaround available to resolve this.

  • Partial temporary workaround: downgrade to Premiere Pro 23.5.0 or avoid removing assets and adding new ones during a single editing session.

  • Resolved version: Premiere Pro 24.2.1+

This issue will persist if the project template was created using one of the affected versions, even after upgrading. The same applies if a project was opened once in an affected version. Since this is an Adobe-related bug, the only way to resolve it is by recreating your templates from scratch.

Opening them in version CC24 and newer and saving them as new files will NOT fix this issue.

Media Encoder

  • File handle: AME will maintain an open file handle on XAVC assets, leading to an issue where an exported file cannot be deleted after undergoing additional processing.

    • Temporary workaround: to release the open file handle, please close the Adobe Media Encoder application.

    • Resolved version: Media Encoder 24.3

After Effects

  • Files with layers: Importing Photoshop (.psd) or Illustrator (.ai) files may result in a single merged layer. Preserving layers during import via Extendscript is not possible for these file types due to the absence of necessary API parameters.

    • Temporary workaround: exclude Illustrator and Photoshop files from your Autoimport stream, as the Cosmo Add Asset To Project Action node would convert any single layer to a merged one.

Last updated