This wildcard allows you to generate a new date string by subtracting a specified number of days from today's date. The node takes an input integer, decrements it, and provides a new date.
For instance (today: 2024-01-24): {date.decrement.days.5} -> 19-01-2024
Ensure that the format of the resulting date conforms to the pattern YYYY-MM-DD if it is intended for use in another date-time node.
Convert Date Format from DD-MM-YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD
Code to convert date with javascript node
// Input date string (replace '{stream.variable.newDate}' with your actual date string)
var inputDateString = '{stream.variable.newDate}';
// Function to convert date string from one format to another
function convertDateString(inputDateString) {
// Import required Java classes
var SimpleDateFormat = Java.type('java.text.SimpleDateFormat');
var Date = Java.type('java.util.Date');
// Define input and output date formats
var inputFormat = new SimpleDateFormat('dd-MM-yyyy');
var outputFormat = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd');
try {
// Parse the input date string using the input format
var date = inputFormat.parse(inputDateString);
// Format the parsed date using the output format
var outputDateString = outputFormat.format(date);
return outputDateString;
} catch (e) {
// Handle any parsing or formatting errors
print('Error occurred during date conversion: ' + e);
return null; // Return null in case of error
// Call the conversion function with the input date string
var outputDateString = convertDateString(inputDateString);
// Output the result (formatted date string) to the caller