Retrieve helmut4 container log
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If these systems are not working as intended, it makes sense to check the individual logs of the dedicated module or linked trigger.
A good starting point is always the job and client logs to verify if the issue is local or on the server/container side.
To access the container logs, log in to Portainer at http://:9000 and navigate to the Helmut4 stack.
Expand the container you are looking for and click the small spreadsheet icon.
This will open a new window displaying the container's log. If necessary, you can expand the displayed lines until you find the desired log entry. When searching for a specific entry, you need to disable the auto-refresh toggle, as the log tends to jump to its end while searching.
A simple explanation of containers and their helmut4 endpoints:
AMQP - message queue, used for internal communication for RabbitMQ
CO - Cosmo related nodes and actions, CO streams executed by a server (eg Added_Asset)
Cronjob - Cron timers which have been set within HK or the dashboard purge in the preferences
FX - FX related streams executed by a server
HK - HX related streams executed by a server
HP - Panel communication (Adobe extension <-> server)
HW - Frontend, website
IO - IO related streams executed by a server, watchfolder scanning, dashboard purging
Language - Languages
License - License management and helmut client source
Logging - Logging of misc. actions
Metadata - Metadata related actions
Mongoadmin - MongoDB GUI frontend
Mongobackup - Backup and restore of cron backups
Preferences - Preferences
RabbitMQ - Message broker
Streams - Streams related streams executed by a server or test mode,
Traefik - Revers Proxy
Users - User related streams executed by a server (eg Custom_User), connection of clients, user import & management, eg AD