Custom Metadata


This page is about valid key-value pairs which can be used within Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects and Media Encoder and synced to Cosmo.

In general Adobe is following the default definition of allowed character for xmp.

Usage Of Custom Metadata

Custom Metadata can be utilized to retrieve metadata values from assets in a project whenever it gets indexed.

The metadata won't be available to Cosmo as long as the project is currently in use or not indexed since the asset was added.

These asset metadata may originate from any other third-party system, such as a MAM or QC system, and do not necessarily need to exist or be created in the Helmut4 metadata.

This metadata will be displayed in the Cosmo project view, reflecting the project state.

In the screenshot above, there are three asset metadata names: "Master Comment 2 to 4." These are added by the MAM system (in this case, Dalet Galaxy) and do not exist as Helmut metadata.

Limitations Towards Custom Metadata

There are some disclaimers towards custom metadata.

Job.Metadata Wildcard

Custom Metadata can't be accessed by using the {job.metdata.?} wildcard, as they haven't been created within Helmut4.

Availability Metadata

Custom metadata can only be viewed in Cosmo once the project is indexed via the Cosmo Project File Index Action.

Interact with Custom Metadata

Read Custom Metadata Value

Custom Metadata can be retrieved only by using the Cosmo Get Asset Metadata Action only.

Navigate to the documentation of the node for further guidance.

Write / Update Custom Metadata Value

Custom Metadata can be changed only by using the Cosmo Change Asset Metadata Action only.

Navigate to the documentation of the node for further guidance.

Key-Value Rulebook


  • Are case-sensitive

  • Can not start with a number

  • Can not contain underscore (_)


  • Are case-sensitive

  • Can start with a number, contain only numbers, or be a combination of numbers and letters

  • Can contain underscores (_)

Example for metadata key

Metadata key: "key_value pair" This is not valid because there is a underscore in the key name. While values can contain spaces, keys can not.

Metadata key: "1story" This is not valid because the key starts with a number which is forbidden.

Limitations / Disallowed Character

There are some exceptions when using key-value, which are explained in the two following sections.

Disallowed characters in keys or values

The following characters are reserved and not allowed in key names or values.


As umlauts are often treated as special characters, those can cause issues when working on different operating systems as well with foreign language projects.

Within Helmut4 we have defined the most known and used umlauts in the European region to be proper detected & escaped when indexing a project.