Profiles Dashboard

In the following all relevant functions and fields will be explained.

Profile List

Profile Name:

Displays the profileโ€™s name that has been defined by the creator of the profile.

Stream Type:

Displays the stream type (e.g. EXPORT) used in the selected profile. If the name is clicked, the stream builder for this stream is opened.

Prestream Name:

Displays the name of the prestream used in the selected profile. If the name is clicked, the stream opens in the Stream Designer.

Stream Name:

Displays the name of the stream used in the selected profile. If the name is clicked, the stream opens in the Stream Designer.

Metadata Set Name:

Displays the name of the metadata set used in the selected profile. If the name is clicked, the view changes to metadata.


Displays the profiles default priority.

Add Group Button:

Opens a dialog for entering the name of the group to be created. By clicking on "Cancel" the dialog can be ended and via "Save" the group is created. โ€œSaveโ€ is attached to the Streams trigger: CREATE_GROUP

Action Button:

Via the Action Button it is possible to delete, duplicate and edit existing profiles.

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