Node Pallet

The node palette lists all available actions, conditions, outputs and wildcards and enables you to find the desired node / wildcard using a search field. An entered search leads to the number of available conditions / actions / outputs and wildcards being displayed directly.

Node pallet conditions & actions

Selection Tab:

It is possible to switch between the individual tabs, whereby the affiliations are sorted by type. For example, there are 31 conditions in the system which are divided into 6 types. Project-related conditions, user-related conditions, file and folder-related conditions, etc.

Type related wildcards

Available Number:

The number of available nodes / wildcards is displayed next to the name of each tab. This changes as soon as a search is applied. This makes it possible to immediately see how many nodes / wildcards are available according to the search.

Type Relation:

If a tab is selected (for example Consitions) the corresponding types are displayed under the search field. This view changes per tab, since not all wildcards have the same types of affiliations.By clicking on of the types. If one of the types is clicked, another view opens, in which the actions / wildcards assigned to the type are displayed.

Description Icon:

If you move the mouse over this icon, a description field opens in which the individual parameters of the respective node are displayed, as well as the function of the node and what it can be used for.

Search Field:

Free text field to search for a wildcard / node. As soon as something is entered in this field, all tabs are filtered and the number of results per tab is automatically adjusted. The affiliation by type is then no longer visible.

Available Type

The number next to the respective type shows how many nodes / wildcards are available for this type.

Last updated