Custom p12 certificate


When employing SSL for communication between the website and the client, it will also affect the panel extensions. The communication will shift to https://localhost instead of http://localhost.

If the local security department prefers not to use the default certificate issued by MoovIT, it is feasible to generate a custom certificate. This certificate can be trusted and employed for communication purposes.


The certificate must be configured with the CN (common name) set to localhost. This is necessary because all communication between the panel and the client occurs locally.

Communication between the client and the website will utilize the SSL certificate associated with the server's DNS name, such as https://helmut4.domain.

Information intended for the panel will be relayed from the client to the panel through localhost, as direct communication between the panel and the website is not established.

Create and setup certificate

Steps to set up a self-signed certificate for the client:

  • The customer issues a server.key and a server.crt signed by their authority. (Note: This is not linked to the certificates used to set up SSL on the server.)

  • Convert the server.key + server.crt to p12 using the following OpenSSL command:

openssl pkcs12 -export -out helmut4.p12 -inkey server.key -in server.crt

The password for the p12 file will be provided by MoovIT.

  • Copy the helmut4.p12 file (naming is important) into the Helmut4 client folder after installation

    • C:\Program Files\MoovIT GmbH\Helmut4\resources\helmut4.p12

  • Restart the client and check the logs for the following message:

[main] INFO hc.StartApplication - Starting HTTPS Server with custom p12 key: C:\Program Files\MoovIT GmbH\Helmut4\resources\helmut4.p12