Resolving Port Conflicts

If you're facing issues deploying a new Helmut4 stack and cannot access the website via http://<ip-address> or https://<ip-address>, the problem might be that another application is already occupying the required ports (80 or 443).

A simple way to identify the application using these ports is by running the following command:

Note: This command requires iproute2 and grep (on Ubuntu/Debian) or iproute and grep (on RHEL/CentOS).

sudo ss -tulpn | grep -E ':80|:443'

The result should look something like this:

tcp   LISTEN 0      4096*    users:(("docker-proxy",pid=4064,fd=4))
tcp   LISTEN 0      4096*    users:(("docker-proxy",pid=4083,fd=4))
tcp   LISTEN 0      4096            [::]:80            [::]:*    users:(("docker-proxy",pid=4070,fd=4))
tcp   LISTEN 0      4096            [::]:443           [::]:*    users:(("docker-proxy",pid=4095,fd=4))
tcp   LISTEN 0      4096               *:8010             *:*    users:(("dockerd",pid=998,fd=110))

To verify which application is using the ports, cross-check this with the running Traefik container using the following command:

sudo docker ps --filter "name=traefik"

The expected result should look like this:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                      COMMAND                  CREATED      STATUS      PORTS                                                                      NAMES
e74603a02758   "/ trae…"   3 days ago   Up 3 days>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::443->443/tcp   helmut4_traefik.1.pju76isfqfkd6a0qijkd4ctcw

If you cannot free up the ports (80 or 443), refer to this guide on how to change the default ports to an alternative one: Change HTTP/HTTPS Ports