Cosmo Change Project Asset Action
With the help of the Cosmo Change Project Asset Action it is possible to change the path of a file in Cosmo just for a specific project. For example, if a file is moved (archive) via a housekeeper workflow, the new storage location can be made known and, if the autosync function is activated in the node, it can also be automatically reset in the corresponding premiere project (after the project has been opened).
With the "Autosync" option it can be decided within the Helmut4 panel if the asset should automatically be synced whenever the project is opened or the user initiates a manual Sync process. If the Autosync is disabled an orange icon will be increased with the amount of assets that needs to be synchronized/updated.
The toggles for "Skip metadata sync" and "Skip markers sync" can be activated/disabled to perform or skip the sync in the Helmut panel.