Check installed Helmut extensions

If you are facing issues with some or all Helmut4-related panels, a good starting point is to check if they have been installed properly or are possibly using an outdated version.

Check availability of panels

First of all, we suggest starting with, for example, Adobe Premiere Pro and checking if you can access the panels with Panel Debug Ports.

Check version / status of extension(s)

For checking any Adobe extension, the Unified Plugin Installer Agent (UPIA) command-line tools are needed.

Detailed information about UPIA can be found on Adobe's website: Adobe UPIA

If you are using an FRL Online, Offline, or any other Adobe application package created via the Adobe Admin Console you might not be able to perform the following action if the package is missing the option "Create a folder for extensions and include the UPIA command-line tool" in the management options section.

Prerequisites Extension Check

Normal/ Named User License

Please make sure you are logged in to the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop Application (CCDA) with a valid user account.

FRL Offline/Online

Make sure, UPIA is available on your client.


Open a command prompt window (no admin privileges needed):

:: Navigate into the UPIA directory
cd "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Desktop Common\RemoteComponents\UPI\UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent"

:: List all Adobe extensions
UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent.exe /list all


Open a terminal window (no admin privileges needed):

# Navigate into the UPIA folder
cd "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Desktop Common/RemoteComponents/UPI/UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent/"

# List all Adobe extensions
./UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent --list all

Expected UPIA Result

Error code

If you encounter any error codes, be sure to check the Adobe support website for the corresponding code explanation.

Expected return

By default, a list of all related Adobe applications that support extensions, such as Premiere Pro, After Effects, Media Encoder, Illustrator, and so on, will be returned.

Each application will display dedicated extensions available for the respective host application.

1 extension installed for Adobe Media Encoder (ver 24.1.1)
 Status                        Extension Name                         Version
=========  =======================================================  ==========
 Enabled    de.moovit.AME_WS                                             2.5.0
 2 extensions installed for After Effects (ver 24.1.0)
 Status                        Extension Name                         Version
=========  =======================================================  ==========
 Enabled    de.moovit.HELMUT_ADOBE_INVISIBLE_PANEL                       2.0.1
 Enabled    de.moovit.HELMUT_ADOBE_WINDOW_EXTENSION                      3.0.0
 6 extensions installed for Premiere Pro (ver 24.1.0)
 Status                        Extension Name                         Version
=========  =======================================================  ==========
 Enabled    GrowthAccelerator                                           1.10.0
 Enabled    MoovIT - Premiere Sequence Consolidator                      1.0.8
 Enabled    de.moovit.HELMUT_ADOBE_INVISIBLE_PANEL                       2.0.1
 Enabled    de.moovit.HELMUT_ADOBE_WINDOW_EXTENSION                      3.0.0
 Enabled    de.moovit.Vulcano                                            1.1.0

Remove extension manual via UPIA

Any extension can be removed using UPIA in case it is causing any issues.

Make sure to write the name of the extension in double quotation marks.


:: Navigate into the UPIA directory
cd "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Desktop Common\RemoteComponents\UPI\UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent"

:: Remove Adobe extension "de.moovit.AME_WS"
UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent.exe /remove "de.moovit.AME_WS"


# Navigate into the UPIA folder
cd "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Desktop Common/RemoteComponents/UPI/UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent/"

# Remove Adobe extension "de.moovit.AME_WS"
./UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent --remove "de.moovit.AME_WS"