Flow Module

This module enables the communication between the FLOW stream nodes and FLOW (Editshare).

The module is easy to set up and requires the following informations:

  • IP address of the FLOW server / endpoint

  • Username of the FLOW Admin user

  • Password of the FLOW Admin user

  • Flow Version

Helmut4 currently supports Flow v3 and 4.

Via the button "Test" the input can be checked for correctness by connecting to FLOW. If the connection is working, a respond will be shown.

Example Respond: OK - 7 objects have been found

7 object is a reference to the users which have been found and can be imported via the users tab.

If you are coming from an earlier Helmut4 release (4.0.7 and below), you might see these options in the Flow Version dropdown. To fix this issue, expand the guideline below.

Patch wrong Flow Version dropdown

The issue for the wrong format of the version is coming from a change, which has been introduced in Helmut 4.0.7.

To address this issue, a connection to the mongodb is required - if you need helpt to apply the changes, reach out to the support team.


Wrong / not working yaml-configuration

    "_id": ObjectId("5e21eddba2d56a0001e52e43"),
    "name": "Flow Version",
    "type": "SELECT",
    "allowedValues": [
        "version3:Version 3",
        "version4:Version 4"
    "_public": true,
    "value": "version4",
    "description": "Flow Version",
    "category": "Modules",
    "tags": [
    "_class": "preferences.model.PreferenceDBO"

Working yaml-configuration

    "_id": ObjectId("5e21eddba2d56a0001e52e43"),
    "name": "Flow Version",
    "type": "SELECT",
    "allowedValues": [
        "version3:::Version 3",
        "version4:::Version 4"
    "_public": true,
    "value": "version4",
    "description": "Flow Version",
    "category": "Modules",
    "tags": [
    "_class": "preferences.model.PreferenceDBO"